January 21, 2025

Far East Currents

The Portuguese and Macanese Studies Project – U.C. Berkeley

Asia Future: Tracing Economic Relations and Recovery (with Audio)

Listen to the Audio

What if we in West have more in common with Asia than generally thought ? What if we’re more connected economically than we realize ? Can those common links help us to understand Asia, and potentially invest more wisely ?

These questions led me from historical studies of Macau and Hong Kong to current events in China, and ultimately to the conclusion that economic divisions separating East and West may no longer be valid. We simply share too much history and too many interests to ignore Asia. This led me to another conclusion that relations between Asia and the West will always fluctuate. That is the nature of diverse economies, but hopefully the basis of mutual respect. The point is how each society learns and grows as a result of that contact.

I then turned to a common theme in East / West relations: Investment strategies, in my case, in Macau and Hong Kong, as China attempts to recover from a recession brought on by the global pandemic. One of the first things I noticed was that many investments have been in applications of new technology and financial services, which parallel initiatives in the U.S. and E.U. Those strategies are also related to how consumers and retirees invest in many other countries. Then I began to wonder whether investments in that part of Asia might reveal broader indications of China’s future, and clues to the types of companies that would do well in a recovery.

So my curiosity has led to a new project, which I call “Asia Future”. This will involve looking closely at investments China is making in the region surrounding Macau and Hong Kong, which might provide clues for our own decisions as we prepare for an economic recovery. To see where the project will lead, please follow the link.