This is a story about my grandfather, Paulo de Gama Maria Xavier (1899 – 1988), who lived an interesting and,...
(This is the second part of the article: The Printer's Galaxy: Colonial Asia (1511 - 1738) In 1805 the first...
The study: The Printer’s Galaxy: Social and Economic Influences of Printing in Colonial Asia,is currently under development. An abstract describing...
Updates with new articles, research, and more information. Please follow the links below: Over 50 revised Articles added (with more...
“Now is the winter of our discontent/Made glorious summer by this son of York…” William Shakespeare, Richard III, Act-I, Scene-I No...
To me this “blog” is a digital space to sketch out new ideas, and sometimes to celebrate events or express...
American readers may have to indulge me for the following rendition of events, since most of us have been following...
The following are my responses to an interview conducted by the Macau daily newspaper, Hoje Macau, concerning my thoughts on...
I am pleased to announce the publication of my new book: The Macanese Chronicles: A History of Luso-Asians in a...
In November 2015, I was invited by two colleges at the University of Macau, under a U.S. Fulbright grant, to...