(Note: Information for this article was drawn from a longer study that will be published in the future.) ...
My apologies for not posting sooner. It has been a hectic few months since I returned from two trips to...
In late 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping introduced a new foreign relations strategy called “One Belt One Road”. For China...
Here's an article that provides another perspective on culture and economic development, similar to China's current strategy called: "One Belt...
(Note: The Portuguese translation of this article in the Jornal Tribuna de Macau can be found HERE) ...
(The Portuguese translation is available HERE.) This time of year is usually reserved for reflection on recent events with an...
The Meetings of Macanese Communities in Macau (The Portuguese translation of this article appeared in the JTM...
This is the next article on the Macanese community of Hong Kong. The Portuguese translation was published in the JTM...
(The following is the first in a series of articles on the history of Macanese communities in the Diaspora. The...
Some Basic Questions (and Answers) about the Encontro – The Triennial Meetings of the Macanese Diaspora in Macau (The Portuguese...